Month: March 2018

New book “L’Obsolescence programmée de nos sentiments” released in May / June 2018


FINISHED! The new book, my second graphic novel, is done. It took a long time. Longer than I wanted. In 2015, I met Zidrou for the first time in Brussels, at the Dargaud Benelux offices. He asked me what I wanted to draw, and I said: a love story. He had two scenarios with him, which we never used.

In the summer of 2015, I visited Zidrou in Spain to work on the book for a week. The beginning of the scenario was there. It was a romance between two older people. “Love after  60”, he said. I immediately liked it.


After feedback and corrections, the scenario was really finished in January 2016. Then I started drawing. And again. And again. I think I started over 10 times, always dissatisfied. I didn’t feel like it was going in the right direction. I hated my drawings and hesitated about everything. Maybe I was just not good enough at the time… But today, I’ve put the last strokes on my digital paper. And all my hard work has resulted in a book that I absolutely love! Perhaps my best so far … Yes, I think so. Hopefully you will feel the same 🙂

The French title is “L’Obsolescence programée de nos sentiments”, the Dutch is: “Bloesems in de herfst”. At the Stripdagen Haarlem (27/28 May) the Dutch edition will be presented, and in the weekend after, the French edition will be released during the comic festival in Amiens, with Zidrou. Of course I hope more translations will follow….

We will take a signing tour through France and Belgium in the summer, with Jordi Lafèbre, who presents his new volume of Beaux Étés with Zidrou. I am grateful to the teams from Dargaud Benelux and Ballon Media for all help and motivation they gave me. And their infinite trust ❤

It will be a beautiful summer ….
